Appointment Request – Received

Thank you for choosing Patsy’s Bridal!

We’ve received your request for an appointment and will follow up with you by email or phone to confirm the actual date and time.  We do our very best to accommodate all requests!

We invite you to relax and get ready to experience Patsy’s unique boutique treatment. We will get in touch with you shortly to confirm your appointment time.

We are honored and excited to be a part of your perfect wedding day!

Patsy’s, A Bridal Boutique

Before You Arrive

We want your time at Patsy’s to be enjoyable and memorable. Keep these in mind to make your day the best it can be!

Arrive 5 minutes early so you can have the full appointment with your consultant.

If you need more time, Patsy’s will gladly extend your appointment if there is not an appointment scheduled immediately after yours. Or we will be happy to schedule a second appointment for you.

Be courteous of other brides who may have an appointment after you. Once your appointment is over, make room for other guests so they can begin on time.

Determine a comfortable budget. Make sure and discuss this with your family before you come in to avoid any awkward moments! Our consultants will respect your budget and help you stay within your price range.

Bring us pictures! Seen something in a magazine or online? Seeing pictures will help your consultant pull dresses you are sure to love.